Recompilation error
Good morning,
I have downolded sources of QuIDE from latest version
from 'Downloaded Repository' in
and have recompiled all with Microsoft Visual C# 2015
( Microsoft Visual Studio Communitu 2015
Versione 14.0.24720
Microsoft.Net Framework Versione 4.6.01055 )
Recompiling it gives me an error
Gravità Codice Descrizione Progetto File Riga Stato eliminazione
Errore XML 'Dichiarazione XML imprevista. La dichiarazione XML deve essere il primo nodo nel documento e non deve essere preceduta da spazi vuoti. Riga 21, posizione 3.' non valido. QuIDE E:\Documenti\quide-quide-c50425a51c93\QuantumGUI\Assets\Gates.xaml 21
and 5 warnings that I do not write here.
May you give me some indication about this error ?
Thank you, PhD Giuseppe Corrente , University of Torino.
Comments (3)
reporter -
reporter - changed status to closed
ok, resolved deleting initial option line from Gates.xaml. Thanks.
thank you for reporting this issue. I've checked it on my computer and I've got the same error. Of course it is easy resolvable by deleting the initial line from Gates.xaml. I've fixed it and pushed to the repository.
Thank you, Joanna Patrzyk
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ok, resolved deleting initial option line from Gates.xaml. Thanks.