Clone wikijss / Global Issue Edit Validation & Post-function
JSS allows to define Jython routines to be executed as on-edit validator and post-function for every issue in a given JIRA instance. These are called Global Issue Edit Validation & Post-function.
You have to install patched versions of Issue Navigation (issuenav) and Quick Edit (quickedit) plugins for these routines to work. Patches change only OSGi/Spring manifests to allow subclassing and do not change any functionality.
- quickedit for JIRA 6.0-6.0.4
- issuenav for JIRA 6.0.4
Install the patched plugins via UPM, then restart your JIRA.
After restart JSS Installer should show that both quickedit and issuenav support are enabled:
If you have an access to JIRA source files, you can build a patched plugins by yourself: