
Issue #13 closed
Rohan created an issue

Compiled DLL is not loaded properly by the current gw2 client.

Comments (5)

  1. Rohan reporter

    No solution was found. I am able to compile the project and generate a dll from the sample project however upon renaming it d3d9 and placing it in bin64 the client just crashes. I see a hook for d3d9:

    HRESULT __stdcall hkPresent(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, RECT, RECT, HWND, RGNDATA*);

    in main.cpp for the hacklib_gw2. The issue was closed because this is my first step into reverse engineering so I decided to familiarize myself a bit more with the hacklib library and method of dll injection before maintaining an issue.

    If the primary devs have some time it would be most appreciated to see some commenting on the use of this project outside basic comments on offsets found in gw2lib.h

  2. hairys

    You don't place the dll in your game folder. You have to use an injector program. I use gw2dps's injector to do this. Rename the dll to gw2dps.dll (for 32-bit) or gw2dps64.dll (for 64-bit). Place it in the same folder as the injector, then run the injector (gw2dps.exe) and click File->Inject.

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