Unable to compile hacklib_gw2 due to wrong number of arguments.

Issue #14 resolved
Croissant created an issue

I'm trying to build the source for hacklib_gw2 but there seems to be a problem with 2 lines of code in DataScan.cpp. I get the following errors: error.png

This bloc of code is causing it:


The errors might be caused by a change of functionality in the hacklib functions that this file is using.

I understand what the errors mean but I don't have the inside knowledge to fix it myself.

I have the hacklib and the hacklib_gw2 sources placed like they're suppose to. I did run cmake. I'm using VS2017

Comments (8)

  1. Croissant reporter

    Thank you. I'm able to compile it now. As a side note, is it worth to start working on a project so close to the PoF release? I've heard that major patches usually break tools like these.

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