"size" & "buff" Undefined

Issue #16 resolved
Yoowah created an issue

Was trying to compile this under VS2017


Line 252

#ifdef ARCH_64BIT
    uintptr_t *buff = (uintptr_t*)ctx->EDI;
    uint32_t size = *(uint32_t*)(ctx->EBP + 0xc);

    Gw2Hooks* list = get_hook_list();
    if (list->PacketRecvHook) list->PacketRecvHook(size, buff);

Line 264

#ifdef ARCH_64BIT

    uintptr_t *buff = (uintptr_t*)ctx->EBX;
    uint32_t size = ctx->EDI;

    Gw2Hooks* list = get_hook_list();
    if (list->PacketSendHook) list->PacketSendHook(size, buff);

Moving the two lines of codes into else fix the issue.

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