Offsets For Mount Information 64 bit

Issue #22 new
Former user created an issue

Does anyone have the current offsets or base pointer for mount information? If so, would they please be willing to share?

Comments (2)

  1. trentrentren trentrentren

    Hey, would you mind looking at this? Here are some mount things I found:
    mount stamina/endurance(It’s a pointer): "Gw2-64.exe"+026DA5B0 is base addy and then offsets 0x38, 0x2D8, 0x18, 0x0, 0x60, 0xC
    for mount speed it uses agtransMaxSpeed in agent transform

    I couldn’t find any good asserts, there are some like m_mount != nullptr or mountDef != NULL but they don’t seem to lead anywhere. There also is ViewAdvanceRiding but idk about that
    The base addy "Gw2-64.exe"+026DA5B0 is near !s_interactiveContext assert, but that doesn’t have anything to do with mounts.

    I’d appreciate if you could check this if you have time. Thanks

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