Scan for MainContext

Issue #26 new
MyNameIsASecret created an issue

When attempting to scan for the main context I am not getting an address that has a real pointer 48 away to look for the CharContext as Hairys advised me

I am scanning for AOBSCAN(MainContext,65 48 8B 04 25 58 00 00 00 BA 08 00 00 00) on Gw2-64.exe and then writing the address as the address (from the start of the scan) -0x6 onto a list. My understanding is that an AoB scan should function essentially identically to a code scan. The other listed context scan does not work, presumably because it is from 32 bit.

Comments (5)

  1. hairys

    Your AOBSCAN returns an address, correct? It should be a pointer to code that you should execute. That is the game's code for getting the MainContext.


    Note: the GetContext function can only be called from the main game thread. That's what the game is expecting.

  2. MyNameIsASecret reporter

    Thank you. so it should be referencing that instruction, which I did see. So I run the function and then move that address it returns into the symbol for the main context?

  3. hairys

    The game's function (GetContext) would return a pointer to MainContext array. No need to move it anywhere else.

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