Don't understand shit

Issue #30 new
mik created an issue

So im newbie to everything i dont know anything about programing past several hours i tired to comprenhend what the fuck is compile dll or what dll is. So here is what i have learned.

  1. Downloaded hacklib
  2. Downloaded hacklib-gw2
  3. put hacklib-gw2 into hacklib/src
  4. ran Cmake
  5. got six millions of .vcxproj files in every file
  6. So i opened major the boss file of .vcxproj and tried to make it into dll but failed

Well since i dont understand even a single word how to compile dll from this mess i dont even know what dll is but know how to inject it with injector. Anyway if any of you will have time to help me and give me step by step guide how to make ESP dlls into this game. Thank you in advance.

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