Build with VS2015

Issue #9 closed
Denis G created an issue

Couldn't build it, kept complaining:

C:\hacklib\src\hacklib\src\PatternScanner.cpp(317): error C2039: 'back_inserter': is not a member of 'std' [C:\hacklib\src\hacklib\hacklib.vcxproj]
C:\hacklib\src\hacklib\src\PatternScanner.cpp(317): error C3861: 'back_inserter': identifier not found [C:\hacklib\src\hacklib\hacklib.vcxproj]

Added #include <iterator> to PatternScanner.h cuz stackoverflow told me to. Seems to compile now :D

edit: aw shit, wrong repo (should be hacklib, not hacklib_gw2) edit: aw shit #2, just realized the vs2015 branch had this fixed already...

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