Another NonExistingObjectException

Issue #4 resolved
Rainer Hilmer repo owner created an issue

Error during Tick in script 'Havoc.Core': GTA.NonExistingObjectException: Invalid call to an object that doesn't exist anymore! at GTA.Ped.get_Position() at GTA.World.GetPeds(Vector3 Position, Single Radius, Int32 MaxAmount) at Havoc.Core.StartHavoc() at Havoc.KeyHandling.AtStartHavoc(KeyEventArgs e) at Havoc.Core.OnKeyDown(Object sender, KeyEventArgs e) at GTA.Script.ProcessEvents() at GTA.Script.DoTick() at GTA.ScriptThread.OnTick()

Comments (1)

  1. Rainer Hilmer reporter

    Hopefully fixed Issue 4 but there is not much I can do because the crash happened in the .net Scripthook. I moved World.GetPeds closer to the caller. Let's hope that does the trick. If not, we have to live with it.

    → <<cset 860aa1d1a239>>

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