unable to set work completed date

Issue #180 resolved
xtal created an issue

the gui for the work start date and completion date does not appear to be working. if I accept the default value then start time = completion time and the system throws up an error. If i try to edit the dates manually the system keeps putting in date values at the end of the string so that I get invalid format errors

Comments (4)

  1. xtal reporter

    As a result of this bug I am unable to enter data for previous days. In order to enter the data I changed the start day and left the completed date blank (it is optional). As a result all of the data that I have entered shows a completion date of today. I would like to correct this for the follwoing data: QCTSim REAL data entered for Sept 24, 25, 26 and 27. Start dates are correct but completion dates are INCORRECT.

  2. Randle Taylor repo owner

    The date input is a little more sane now, but I will leave this issue open as I still don't think the date picker behaviour is ideal.

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