[Feature] Localizing the UI

Issue #5 new
rdipardo repo owner created an issue

Cross-post of the related GitHub tracking issue.

A future version of HTML Tag will be adaptive to the user's language preferences. [1] The most visible difference will be a localized command menu, e.g.

As explained on the community forum, the main obstacle for now is a lack of first-class plugin integration. A tentative proof-of-concept requires an application restart to pick up changed preferences. New APIs will probably be essential for any viable implementation. This issue will track any future developments in that area.

In the meantime, contributions to the following work items are welcome:

  • [ ] Improve and/or correct the currently available translations.
  • [ ] Add localizations for more languages. Parity with Notepad++ is out of the question, as it currently features 90+.
    The goal is for HTML Tag to support at least half of N++'s catalogue. About 40 would be a good milestone for an initial release.


  1. Not including the About dialog, for a couple of reasons: 1) the text is hard-coded into the form's initialization routines; using resource files instead would bloat an otherwise lightweight component; 2) most of the text is informational and not easily translated.

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