Disabled files handling

Issue #10 resolved
koralkor created an issue

Songs in Spotify may become permanently unavailable, but user has an option to see them (or not). These files are visible in spotlight (no image, but entry is visible) (at least when I have chosen to show them in spotify), yet xbmc hangs for a bit if I try to play such file. All good after >10s = no crash, but don't know if app restarts/playback stops etc.

Comments (4)

  1. Dariusz Biskup repo owner

    I think I will just give an option in settings to control visibility of these tracks. I'll disable playback too.

    Thanks for finding a next bug :)

  2. koralkor reporter

    right now I'm testing on new openelec beta, issue doesn't really exist/ is not really visible ( = cannot reproduce the very same behaviour). Adding few files to the queue and then this missing file results in file being added to the queue, but then just skipped instantly when its turn comes to be played.

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