Cannot play playlist from contextmenu

Issue #5 open
koralkor created an issue

As above - Instead, choosing "add to queue" starts the playlist (queue was empty before this event). Could it have something to do with playlist folders (playlists organized inside folders) as I see some empty entries on playlist list (or they are intended folder separators :) )? Starred playlist behaves same way (doesn't play from context menu, does play when added to queue).

system: Openelec, ION2 platform compiled with spotyxbmc.

Comments (4)

  1. Dariusz Biskup repo owner
    • changed status to open

    I will investigate this. Playlist folders are not supported yet but this support is planned.

  2. koralkor reporter

    Playlists are visible "OK" (not inside folders,but still..), tracks inside as well. I have not tried select&play on a playlist in Yatse addons (although that's thy installed your really useful plugin! ), issue happens when you manually select play from context menu in XBMC GUI.


  3. Dariusz Biskup repo owner

    OK, so let me clarify. You are doing the following steps:

    • Access Spotlight
    • Go into Playlists
    • Highlight a playlist and access context menu
    • Select 'Play'

    Actual behavior: the playlist 'folder' is opened and tracks are listed. Expected behavior: playlist is being played.

    Is this a problem you have in mind?

    Thx, Re

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