11 com.baselet.element.old.element.Class 286 286 209 33 Datatable com.baselet.element.old.element.Class 561 286 209 33 Attribute com.baselet.element.old.element.Class 836 286 209 33 AttributeGroup com.baselet.element.old.element.Relation 737 253 120 77 lt=- m n 99;55;33;55 Text 836 319 242 44 e.g, "Democrats 2012, Republicans 2012" together form "Election Result" fontsize=12 valign=top com.baselet.element.old.element.Package 220 110 847 341 data UMLClass 517 165 209 33 DataWorkspace UMLClass 242 165 209 33 DataArtifact UMLClass 286 396 209 33 PropositionalLogic com.baselet.element.old.element.Class 561 396 209 33 Proposition Relation 253 187 55 253 lt=<<- 10.0;10.0;10.0;210.0;30.0;210.0 Relation 253 187 55 143 lt=<<- 10.0;10.0;10.0;110.0;30.0;110.0 Relation 385 308 33 110 lt=<- 10.0;10.0;10.0;80.0 Relation 660 308 44 110 lt=- m1=n m2=m 10.0;10.0;10.0;80.0 Text 726 154 341 44 collection of different data artifacts linked by common set of underlying objects, e.g., "US counties" fontsize=12 valign=top Text 561 242 275 44 measurement---one for each data object, e.g., "(votes for) Democrats 2012" fontsize=12 valign=top Text 770 385 286 55 logical statment that can be evaluated to true or false for each data object, e.g, "Democrats 2012 > Republicans 2012" fontsize=12 valign=top com.baselet.element.old.element.Relation 418 198 538 109 lt=<<<<- m2=n 33;88;33;33;517;33;517;88 Relation 484 407 99 44 lt=<<<<<- m2=n 10.0;10.0;70.0;10.0 Relation 484 297 99 44 lt=<<<<<- m2=n 10.0;10.0;70.0;10.0 Relation 440 176 99 44 lt=<<<<<- m2=n 70.0;10.0;10.0;10.0