Opus decoder

Issue #27 resolved
István Nagy created an issue


I've just came across your project. Great job, it's very basic right now but it has great potential :) I've seen it's based on the Android BASS audio library which now has an Opus decoder as well. Could you please include the Opus decoder in your builds? :)

Thanks in advance!

Comments (13)

  1. István Nagy reporter

    I've just checked the source and the Opus decoder is does there. I've installed the latest build but it won't found the Opus files on my Nexus 5.

  2. István Nagy reporter

    I've tried but still not working. Also cleared application data but it was not the problem. Are you logging somewhere in the app what's happening?

  3. István Nagy reporter

    Okay, i'm doing something wrong then. I've downloaded the opus file you've mentioned to /sdcard/Download Deleted the current Freeamp installation then freshly installed freeamp118.apk. Pointed the scan directory to Downloads and nothing shows up. Even after i'm hitting the refresh button. I've also tried this with my Nexus 10 and the result is the same.

  4. István Nagy reporter

    That was the problem. All my Opus files are showing up now. :) Thanks!

    It's a bit offtopic here but do you have any plans for supporting Bluetooth AVRCP controlling and title streaming? Since if you haven't i might take a look if i can implement it :)

  5. recoilme repo owner

    No i don't have plans to implement this. Right now i try implement many mutch more basic functions, but you're welcome to contribute. Thx for your help with opus supporting

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