Transformation of library objects not working as expected

Issue #100 resolved
Mike Bartholomew created an issue

Library objects composed of multiple gusset plates modeled as surface objects with thickness, and beams modeled as line objects that have been grouped together do not transform as expected from a local Y-Z plane in the library to the Alignment in the project. See the following project file:

and library file "Cross Frame Test" in my library. I have purposely left out one gusset plate and one beam to help show the problem. The behavior is the same whether they are grouped together or not. The gusset plates seem to be rotated 180 degrees about the vertical axis from their proper orientation. The beam objects have rotated about the centerline of the cross frame bay Z-axis by 180 degrees. I can understand the beam rotation because the X-axis on the alignment is the negative X-axis in the library. I used an RZ = PI on the whole cross frame group, but it doesn't rotate the gusset plates.

And, I had to set AlignH, AlignV, and AlignT all to None to get it to look somewhat correct. I don't understand why that racks the cross frame. If I set AlignT to Orient, it twists the gusset plates in the opposite direction as the Alignment cross slope.

Comments (3)

  1. Ali Koc

    This is because of the difference in transverse coordinates (Y) between global and alignment local. Once alignment transformation is applied, coordinates of the surface points making up the plates flip. There will be an update on this on Tuesday. Will update it here once there is a fix released.

  2. Ali Koc

    The interesting thing is that the whole cross-frame object should rotate 180 degrees due to difference between alignment and global Y axis difference. In your case the gusset plates are rotating about themselves. This is due to the way the alignment parameters are placed. All alignment parameters (Alignment, AlignH, AlignV and AlignT) should be removed from "Cross Frame Gusset (Bolted)" object.

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