Error rendering Volume Object created by Extruding Surface Objects

Issue #109 resolved
Mike Bartholomew created an issue

I am creating a deck library object using Volume extruded between two Surfaces. The surfaces have points with AlignTB="0" features. The Volume does not appear to extrude properly, even though the two Surfaces have identical points. The top of the deck warps properly to the alignment cross section, but the bottom of the deck appears to connect different points from Surface A to Surface B. See my library object "Deck1", which has been created using 18 points. Library object "Deck" is defined with only 4 points appears to work correctly.

Comments (8)

  1. Ali Koc

    There seems to be an issue with using repeats inside surfaces to repeat points. I will look into it and let you know.

  2. Benjamin Blasen

    I think this is similar to the issue I am having with the shape of the backwall (second part of Issue #103). The volume seems to draw fine when there is no "warp", but the volume doesn't extrude properly if there is "warp" on any alignment parameter.

  3. Mike Bartholomew reporter

    v3.150805 seems to have solved the extrusion issue on my "Deck1" library object. However, if the points at the bottom edge of deck overhang have a champfer (C=0.75) assigned to them, an additional point is created on the bottom surface between the edge of haunch and the edge of the deck. It occurs directly under the breakpoint in the top of the deck for the barrier. It isn't desired. See the difference between the left and right overhangs in the "Deck1" library object.

  4. Ali Koc

    There was a problem where the points generated due to chamfer definitions were not inheriting AlignTB parameter from the originally defined point. The issues is addressed in v3.150806 -- can you please verify at your end?

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