Cross slope variation

Issue #117 resolved
Mike Bartholomew created an issue

In the attached link, there appears to be a problem with vertical alignment of the girder between individual girder objects. This appears to be from the Alignment Cross Section variation. There is a step in the top of the girder between field sections 3 and 4 and 4 and 5.

This may have been happening all along, or it may be something that was recently introduced.

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bartholomew reporter

    If I were to guess, I think it appears that the cross slope at the beginning of the Line object is correct, but is retained all along its length. On the second project above, the error is quite large on the bridge barrier, which is a single line for the entire bridge length. For the girders in the first project, there are 5 along the length of the bridge, and the errors are much smaller, but you can see the end of the girder getting embedded deeper into the deck haunch as you go along its length.

  2. Ali Koc

    For Line objects with AlignH=Warp and AlignT=None, the app was computing the vertical cross-slope adjustment at the COG of the line and apply to the line as a whole. Now, for this particular case, the cross-slope adjustment is added to the end points of the line. The fix is in v3.150810. Can you please check and verify that you are getting the behavior you expect on this version?

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