Using AISC Sections

Issue #120 resolved
Mike Bartholomew created an issue

I want to use AISC standard sections for the members in a steel bridge cross frame. The data for all of these is in the Assets section. Assets can be assigned to the project, but how are they intended to be passed to library objects? It appears that all of the parameters defining the section would have to be included below the library call, and then the points defining the section shape defined in the library object. That would seem to require a lot of code, especially if there are different types of sections, like L, WT, or C shapes, or different sizes within a shape type. Is there a simpler way to use these?

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Bartholomew reporter

    I think I figured it out. Sections can be passed as parameters as long as all of the points in the section are defined in the project.

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