New version without new release date

Issue #123 resolved
Mike Bartholomew created an issue

Over the past weekend, it appears that changes have been made to OpenBrIM without a new version date. We had been using version 3.150810 all last week, but there are a number of changes that have occurred in our models since Saturday. Notably, the bridge barriers had previously been approximately 0.75 inches above the bridge deck, so I had given them that same offset down to compensate. On Saturday the barriers appeared to be embedded 0.75 inches into the deck. Since discovering that, it appears that stiffeners on the girders are being misplaced vertically with respect to the girders. See the following model:

In particular the errors appear only in Girder Field Sections 4 and 5, which are at a different alignment cross slope than the other Field Sections. They appear to be behaving the same way the girders were before v3.150810, where the cross slope at the centroid of the girder section was used for the length of that girder. Stiffeners at the beginning of the field section stick out the bottom of the bottom flange, and at the end of the field section they stick out of the top of the top flange.

And, one final thing. The last stiffener on Girder 1, Field Section 5 appears to be drawn incorrectly in shape.

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