Put Example projects on the Open|BrIM site

Issue #127 resolved
Mike Bartholomew created an issue

Here are links to two projects that should be placed on the Open|BrIM site for participants at the upcoming Workshop to access.

Project with splices & shear studs commented-out: https://openbrim.appspot.com/objidf4srgxovbzulqluoy3jr6f.project This loads fairly quickly.

Project including splices & shear studs: https://openbrim.appspot.com/objid9mc6ow5zuobf084ob10tm4hl1s.project This takes over 2 minutes to load.

Comments (2)

  1. Ali Koc

    The larger model with splices and shear studs should load in 40 seconds now -- there is also a progress bar for the loading procedure as well.

    Also memory usage has been reduced drastically in the latest version. Even the larger model should load just fine on a 32 bit browser.

    Smaller model was added into the app prior to workshop.

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