Error report about the parameters defined within Repeat objects in Openbrim Library.

Issue #137 resolved
Irsalan Shahid created an issue

Take a look at above model.... That model is written in OpenBrim app .... It has three parameters Profile, Height, Slope at lines 157,158 and 159 respectively. These parameters are defined within Repeat Object (Panels) so that user can change their value for each panel.... This technique works fine here (In openbrim app platform)...


(Go to --> Select (Irsalan Shahid) and then open CommTower)

When I copy pasted same code in openBrim library (refer to above guidance ) and added code line Role="Input" Category="Dimension Parameters" for user defined parameters .... the parameters which were defined outside repeat objects worked fine but those parameters which were defined within repeat object (Panels) didn't show-up in "Dimension Parameters Window"

Comments (2)

  1. Ali Koc

    Thank you for reporting this issue -- it seems the app was looking for input parameters only on the project object or Group objects. It is resolved as of v3.151124. You should be able to see the parameters in the library object now.

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