CADDFrom3D dimensioning feature

Issue #142 resolved
Mike Bartholomew created an issue

For complex library objects that are made from compound objects, it would be a desired feature to be able to dimension the lower level objects on their own CADD view, but not show those dimensions on the higher level CADD view for the compound object. There should be some type of flag or parameter to determine whether or not a dimension is displayed in a view.

Comments (1)

  1. Ali Koc

    As of v3.151128, CADDFrom3D object supports Ignore, Ignore1, Ignore2, Ignore3, Ignore4, Ignore5, Ignore6 parameters. Using Obj3D parameter specify the object to be projected and use the ignore parameters to ignore certain objects with Obj3D.

    Take a look at the BrImCrossFrameK object under my account. I removed the reference debug lines using Ignore parameter of CADDFrom3D.

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