AlignV and AlignH anomalies

Issue #153 resolved
Mike Bartholomew created an issue

There is still some behavior with the AlignV and H parameters that does not seem to perform as anticipated. I would like the ability to define a beam to be chorded on a horizontally curved alignment. The best way to do this is with a Line object where AlignH="None". But, if the alignment contains a vertical curve, I would like the beam to be straight horizontally, but follow the vertical curve vertically. I would anticipate that would require AlignV="Warp". When I try that, the beam is still straight in the vertical direction. The only way to get AlignV="Warp" to work, is to set AlignH="Warp". Then that curves the girder horizontally as well as vertically. That's not what I want. See the attached project link.

Comments (1)

  1. Ali Koc

    There may be cases that are simply not implemented, it seems you found one. AlignH="None" combined with AlignV="Warp" is such a case. Did not realize this would be needed.

    It is implemented as of v3.160125. You should be able to warp the line to vertical alignment profile while keeping it straight for the horizontal line.

    As of the writing of this message, the AlignV for the line (in the link you posted) is set to None. Changing it to Warp should get you the behavior you are looking for.

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