Cad from 3D border line issue

Issue #159 resolved
Ali Ozdemir created an issue

I am using the following property when I create volume object and I don't see any borders when 3D view is active.

<O N="Volume1" T="Volume" DrawBorder="0">

When I use CADDFrom3D view, object borders are visible as seen in the figure below.


Comments (1)

  1. Ali Koc

    Make sure that the circle is defined using Circle object:

       <O N="Volume1" T="Volume" DrawBorder="0">
           <P N="Opacity" V="1" Role="Input" />
           <O T="Circle" Z="StartPointXYZ[2]" Y="StartPointXYZ[1]" X="StartPointXYZ[0]" Radius="Diameter/2" />
           <O T="Circle" Z="EndPointXYZ[2]" Y="EndPointXYZ[1]" X="EndPointXYZ[0]" Radius="Diameter/2" />

    If you define the volume like this, CADFrom3D should work better as of v3.160114.

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