zoom extent for object

Issue #186 resolved
Ali Ozdemir created an issue

Zoom extent API call for objects can be useful.

Comments (5)

  1. Ali Ozdemir reporter

    I want isolate some objects and focus on them. This becomes a critical issue especially when I have many (100) stories. I just want to put camera angle and position such that user can understand the activated story.

  2. Ali Koc

    If you set an object active using AppObjectSetActive(), followed by AppGraphicsZoomExtent() call, you should be able to see that the graphics view zoom extends to (focus on) the active object. Does this not work for your use case?

  3. Ali Ozdemir reporter

    When you look at the following screenshot, you can understand why I need that functionality. Untitled.png

    Function names that you said seems wrong -> they are ObjectSetActive&GraphicsZoomExtent with my current connecter. Should I download the new version? Overall the thing that you said can work but with my current version, it cannot do what you said. I have to use objectsetactive more than once(as you can see below) then I can use GraphicsZoomExtent but nothing happens.

          Public Sub setActive()
                Dim sList = slabList
                For i = 0 To sList.Count - 1
                    AECprj.conn.ObjectSetActive(sList(i).brim.ID, True)
                Dim clist = columnList
                For i = 0 To clist.Count - 1
                    AECprj.conn.ObjectSetActive(clist(i).brim.ID, True)
                Dim flist = foundationWallList
                For i = 0 To flist.Count - 1
                    AECprj.conn.ObjectSetActive(flist(i).brim.ID, True)
            End Sub
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