Comments are moved to the end of node

Issue #189 resolved
Hanjin Hu created an issue

I typed the following in the XML view <O N="Parameters" T="Group"> <!-- Girder --> <P N="GirderLengthSegment1" V="36.6667*12" /> <!-- Deck --> <P N="deckThickness" V="2" D="Deck Thickness" /> </O>

After clicking Save button, it became <O N="Parameters" T="Group"> <P N="GirderLengthSegment1" V="36.6667*12" /> <P N="deckThickness" V="2" D="Deck Thickness" /> <!-- Girder --> <!-- Deck --> </O>

Comments (1)

  1. Ali Koc

    Since v3, the behavior has been to move parameters to top and keep object nodes below parameter nodes.

    Comments are actually objects in OpenBrIM. For example:

    <!-- test comment -->

    is equvelant to:

    <O T="Comment" >
        <P N="Text" V="test comment" T="Text" />

    so, comments (like other objects) were moved to be placed after parameters.

    This behavior has been changed as of v3.160516. Now parameter and object nodes are no longer auto-ordered by OpenBrIM app.

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