Alignment not visible by default

Issue #190 resolved
Rick Brice created an issue

When I create a new project or open an existing one, the alignment does not display.

It seems the default state is shown with a line through the "EYE" icon when viewing the Project Data from the Objects tab.

Clicking the EYE icon causes the alignment to be displayed.

Also, if I edit the XML, after the model is updated, the alignment once again becomes hidden and I have to click the "EYE" icon to display it.

Comments (3)

  1. Ali Koc

    It was actually a feature request at some point to have alignment auto-hidden. I think in cases where the structure is only spanning small portion of the alignment definition, it was harder for users to navigate the structure when the alignment is in the way. There are two ways you can workaround this.

    1- Run the app with alignautohide option turned off.

    If you use this link, the alignments will be visible by default.

    2- Keep the alignautohide feature on (and access the app with default link), and create a simple surface in your project that has AlignH, AlignV and AlignT attributes all set to Warp. Because the surface will warp to the alignment, it can graphically represent the alignment.

    Let me know if these options do not work for your purpose.

  2. Rick Brice reporter

    I can work with this solution. Since I'm just starting with OpenBrIM, I was focusing on just the alignment and nothing else. It was frustrating to have the alignment always hidden. However, I can see the desire to hide the alignment once there is a more substantial model.

    In my project called "Deck Test", I've created a solid with AlignH/V/T options. As far as I can tell, the length of the solid exactly matches the length of the alignment, however the graphical representation of the solid is about twice as long as the alignment.

  3. Ali Koc

    Only the library objects are public -- your projects are by default private. However, you can share the link of your project with us.

    In OpenBrIM App, on Open Project window, click on the share icon to the bottom right corner of the project you would like to share. This will give you the unique URL for your project. Anyone that has that URL have read-only access to your project. Because it is not about the visibility of the alignment, it would be more appropriate to create a separate issue for this.

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