Library XML View not showing all of the coding

Issue #196 resolved
Rick Brice created an issue

Open the following library and select XML View

You'll see a list of input parameters and nothing else. Clearly there is more because in the 3D view, you'll see a girder

Switch to Object View and you'll see there is a Line object. The Line object should be showing up in the XML View and it is not.

Also, this project ( has the same issue. Except, for this project, I removed the "Extends" attribute from the project in hopes that I'd get the Line object back, but instead it seems the line object is lost forever.

Comments (4)

  1. Ali Koc

    This seems to be a bug -- when you see that your object is not fully loaded into XML view, please do not make changes on it and hit save button. You would be saving the incomplete version of the object back into the library. We will look into this and try to resolve it by the end of today.

    While revision control feature is not fully visible to you, it is actually enabled internally. So I may be able to recover your data if you had unintentionally saved incomplete XML data over your work. I will need the unique link of your project/library objects to be able to get previous revisions of your data.

  2. Ali Koc

    There are two issues here both of which have a solution in v3.160525.

    Issue 1: using the Extend attribute, an object can inherit the parameters and sub objects of another object. The problem was that the serialization process was not handling this properly. During serialization, the objects that extends from other objects were assumed to have no sub objects. So, XML view of objects that have Extends attribute did not include the sub objects.

    Starting v3.160525, we handle this properly where object extending other object can contain their own sub objects in them.

    You should be able to see the XML view of Precast I-Beam properly now.

    Issue 2: Because of issue 2, you would get an incomplete XML view of the object, and if you modify this and save, you would be overriding your object and loosing the not shown information.

    Starting v3.160525, you can access the revision history of your library objects. Look for the option in the select box on the left hand side panel.

    Using the revision history, you can open a previous version of your object and recover your work.


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