Line Object rendering with variable cross section dimensions

Issue #198 resolved
Mike Bartholomew created an issue

There appears to be an error in rendering Line objects that use range parameters. The end view at each end as well as the changes in section dimensions is not drawn correctly. See the following library object and the image of how it is rendered.There should be a straight line from the top edge of the plate from one side to the other. It is missing.


Comments (2)

  1. Ali Koc

    I am not sure if I understood the issue, but if you change the following:

           <O T="Line">
               <P N="Opacity" V="0.75" />
               <P N="Section" V="IGirder" T="Section" />
               <P N="DrawBorder" V="1" />
               <P N="DrawFaceA" V="0" />
               <P N="DrawFaceB" V="1" />
               <P N="DrawFaceABorder" V="0" />
               <P N="DrawFaceBBorder" V="0" />
               <O T="Point" Y="0" X="0" Z="0" />
               <O T="Point" Y="0" X="Length" Z="0" />

    to this:

           <O T="Line">
               <P N="Section" V="IGirder" T="Section" />
               <O T="Point" Y="0" X="0" Z="0" />
               <O T="Point" Y="0" X="Length" Z="0" />

    Do you still see the problem? It seems various draw options have been set on the line which may be causing the issue.

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