Selected material for section not shown in Edit Section

Issue #20 resolved
Joanna Sangalang created an issue

I have the following materials defined for the project:

Material 1 = Steel A 709 36

Material 2 = Concrete fck Cyl 20 MPa

When I add a new Line Section thru the Objects explorer > Project > Line Section, I am asked for the material first. However, everytime I select the first material in the list and click OK, it does not show in the Edit Section pop-up. add section material.JPG

But everytime I select the second or any of the following materials, the selected material is shown in the pop-up. Edit section from Objects_1.JPG

Material 1 will only be shown after selecting Material 2 > OK > then select from material again, this time click Material 1 > OK. choose material steel.JPG

I tried to add the following sections thru the Objects explorer > Project > Line Section:

1 (with Material 2)

2 (with Material 1)

3 (with Material 2)

When I checked the material of each section in the Objects explorer, the Edit Section pop-up shows the material selected for sections 1 and 3, which is Material 2. Edit section from Objects_2.JPG edit section 3.JPG

However, for section 2 with Material 1, nothing is shown on Material. edit section 2_no material shown.JPG

Material 1 will only be shown after selecting Material 2 > OK > then select from material again, this time click Material 1 > OK. edit section 2_with material shown.JPG

Comments (2)

  1. Ali Koc

    This issue has been resolved in v3.150228 (currently online). Let me know if you still encounter this issue in currently online STARK.

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