ParamML-Sum for parameters of repeat object

Issue #210 resolved
Ali Ozdemir created an issue

I have a repeat object like below.

       <O N="L1" T="Repeat" S="0" E="length(refinedD)-1" I="1" CTRL="j" j="0">
           <O N="VerticalRebar" T="Circle" X="refinedW[0]" Y="refinedD[j]">
               <P N="Radius" V="BarDiameter/2" />
               <P N="Inertia" V="BarArea*((refinedW[0])^2)+((refinedD[j])^2)" />

Above repeat object returns to an object list and I want to calculate the sum of all L1[j].Inertia values. Is there any solution?

Comments (6)

  1. Ali Koc

    I think you are trying to do something like this:

       <O N="L1" T="Repeat" S="1" E="10" I="1" CTRL="i" i="0">
           <!-- some formula to calculate Intertia -->
           <P N="Inertia" V="i * 10" />
           <!-- if i > 1: Sum=Inertia[i]+Inertia[i-1]; otherwise: Sum=0 -->
           <P N="Sum" V="Inertia + iif(i.GT.S, L1[i-1].Sum, 0)" />
       <!-- the sum of all Inertia -->
       <P N="TotalInertia" V="L1[10].Sum" />
  2. Ali Koc

    Just realized that it is not about the version. Don't look at it in the library under Object View. Either use the app and look at the compiled code (through Objects explorer) or look at it through the API. I think we need to change Object View of library to display compiled data instead of source input data.

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