SetParamValue API

Issue #212 resolved
Ali Ozdemir created an issue

SetParamValue doesn't change the value of parameter before the compile. I had to write brim.GetParam("height").Expr = Value.ToString to change it.

        Public Property height() As Double
                Return CDbl(brim.GetParam("height").Expr)
            End Get
                brim.SetParamValue("height", Value.ToString())
                brim.GetParam("height").Expr = Value.ToString
            End Set
        End Property

I think following implementation can be useful. When I use the following function brim.SetParamValue("height", Value.ToString()) brim value can return to nothing and expression can change to value that we set

when compile finishes value can return to result

Comments (1)

  1. Ali Koc

    This is now possible because the OpenBrIM library now keeps a shadow local copy of the project. Changes are made locally and synced with OpenBrIM servers asynchronously. Let me know if you still encounter issues with this.

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