Map Function

Issue #221 resolved
Ali Ozdemir created an issue

Assume I have 2 repeat objects like below.

    <O N="D" T="DesignCode">
        <O N="D1" T="Repeat" S="0" E="10" I="1" CTRL="ii" ii="0">
            <O N="D2" T="Repeat" S="0" E="10" I="1" CTRL="jj" jj="0">
                <P N="Fu" V="jj*ii" />
        <P N="mappedFu" V="map(D1[2].D2, Fu)" />

mappedFU returns to 0,0,0,0,0... Is this expected behavior?

I would like to map all Fu parameters to a list but couldn't figure out. Is it possible to show me an example?

Comments (5)

  1. Ali Koc

    It is really hard to say what the behavior is supposed to be in this case, but I can see what you are trying to do. I think we need a new function for this.

    Note that you have multiple parameters named Fu here -- that is what Repeat object implicitly do. It repeats and hence generates multiple instances of its content. If we have a function that can take the values of all parameters named Fu, or all objects named a certain name (while in your example there is no object inside the repeat, you could), then you would be able to get the list of numbers you want.

    I will keep this open to track the implementation of this new function.

  2. Ali Koc
    • changed status to open

    a new function allowing us to collect a list of objects or parameters by name inside an object (or root project object by default).

  3. Ali Koc

    As of v3.17.0115, you can use params() and objs() functions to create a list of parameters or objects. Documentation is pending, but here is how you can handle your case. Change the value of mappedFu to:

     <P N="mappedFu" V="params('Fu')" />

    Let me know if this does not solve your issue.

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