Database type API - (for any object)

Issue #222 resolved
Ali Ozdemir created an issue

I am planning to create a database for different object types. So I am trying to develop a generic method for that. When I look at database objects in openbrim bridge objects, I see

<O N="OBrIMDBMaterialSteel" T="Project" Database="Material">

I think that for a database object we should use Database="ObjectType" but it is not possible see Database property from the api lib objects

These are the only parameter that I can see >name objLabel modifyDate abbreviation

Comments (4)

  1. Ali Koc

    we should use Database="ObjectType" but it is not possible see Database property from the api lib objects

    Can you tell me why it is not possible? Are you getting an error message? When you put the object type you want as the value of Database attribute, is there an error? What do you expect the system to do? and what does the system do? Can you share a link to the library object for which you added Database attribute to the Project node with the object type you want?

  2. Ali Koc

    As of v3.170115, LibObjList() method of OpenBrIM Connector returns the database attribute, units and description of each library object.

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