Issue #223 resolved
Ali Ozdemir created an issue

Is it possible to extend 2D CADD system as pdf markup tool. My idea is using PDF as background and adding 2D entities - text etc. on top of it.

You can check the plangrid https://www.plangrid.com/windows/ app for the features.

Comments (2)

  1. Ali Koc

    I didn't have a chance to look at plangrid, but this is not too hard to implement in OpenBrIM. There is an initial implementation in v3.120106 (currently available). Here is how to use it:

    Step 1: Create a CADD Document


    Step 2: On "New CAD Drawing" dialog, choose to create a CAD document from PDF [A]. Click on Upload PDF Document to upload a PDF document containing the CAD drawing from your computer [B]. Make sure to set a valid page number [C]. Hit "Add" button to create the new CAD document from PDF.


    Step 3: It will take couple of seconds for the CAD UI to initialize the PDF document for rendering. Once the drawing from the PDF document appears, hit Zoom Extend button to zoom extend the page on screen.


    Please note that this is the initial implementation that should give you the general idea on how it would work within OpenBrIM. For feature requests or bug reports on this, please create separate issues.

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