Units for sections in proportion to rebar size

Issue #37 new
Joanna Sangalang created an issue

Default unit for 'Properties' is millimeter, while for 'Geometry and Load' it is meter.

I was just wondering what unit is used for creating shapes for sections.

Say I want to create 200mm x 300mm section. If I were to use millimeter for the unit, I would have to enter 200 for width and 300 for depth. Then if I were to add a 20mm rebar, the section would have to look like below: section in hundreds.JPG

The rebars look small compared to the section.

If I were to use meter for the unit, I would have to enter 0.2 for the width and 0.3 for the depth. But then the section would be too small for a 20mm rebar.

I tried to enter 20 for the width and 30 for the depth. With a 20mm rebar, the section and rebar looked more proportional to each other here: section in tens.JPG

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