Material of rebar not shown in Edit Rebar Layout in Objects explorer

Issue #41 new
Joanna Sangalang created an issue

When adding linear or circular rebar layout in the drawing page thru Shapes > Line or Circular, the popup also asks for the material of the rebar.

add rebar line layout.JPG

add rebar circular layout.JPG

Upon checking the Edit Rebar Line Layout or Edit Rebar Circular Layout in the Objects explorer, the previously selected material for the rebar is not shown at all. Instead, the name of the layout is shown as in the following:

For rebar layout added in the drawing page, the Name of the layout is blank. edit rebar line layout.JPG edit rebar circular layout.JPG

For rebar layout added in Objects explorer, the Name of the layout is Defaultx. edit rebar line layout objects.JPG edit rebar circular layout objects.JPG

Comments (1)

  1. Joanna Sangalang reporter

    This is also the case for Tendon Layout.

    When adding tendon layout in the drawing page thru Shapes > Tendon, the popup also asks for the material of the tendon. add tendon layout.JPG

    Upon checking the Edit Tendon Layout in the Objects explorer, the previously selected material for the tendon is not shown at all. Instead, the name of the layout is shown as in the following:

    For tendon layout added in the drawing page, the Name of the layout is blank. edit tendon layout.JPG

    For tendon layout added in Objects explorer, the Name of the layout is Defaultx. edit tendon layout objects.JPG

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