Code- Check Status Report

Issue #8 new
Vernes Selimović created an issue

When I open New template "Steel Beam AISC ASD" in STARK model window. Button for Code- Check Status Report is green and it says 12 checks passed. Whan I open Detailed Desing Report now I have Desing Overview with list of 12 checks but they are duplicated. This changes when I change any value to 6 checks what is correct.

Comments (1)

  1. Ali Koc

    Thanks for reporting this issue. It seems to be related to multi-threading -- this is a concept we use to take advantage of multi-core capabilities of your computer. I see that when multi-threading is turned off, the problem disappears. This also happens only right at the point where you open the file. If you make any customization to the template via parameter explorer, the problem is not there. We will look into this further -- in the mean time, one workaround is to run STARK with multi-threading off. you would need to use a special URL to launch STARK in that mode by clicking here. But I would recommend against it. STARK would seem like it is frozen while loading projects, running analysis or performing design. It may be better to live with duplicate report, while we work on a solution.

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