Extruding a Section Partially Along a Line Object

Issue #97 resolved
Mike Bartholomew created an issue

There are several instances in bridges where a beam type object should be constructed as a line object between two work points (such as the precast concrete beams from center lines of piers), but the beam itself does not extend from work point to work point. Also, for steel bridges, the cross frames between girders are composed of line type objects that are laid out between work points, but the members themselves do not extend to the work points. For these types of elements it would be beneficial to have a feature similar to a member end offset used in many structural analysis programs. This way, intermediate points do not have to be computed as part of the library code object.

Comments (3)

  1. Ali Koc

    This feature is added in v3.150624. Use StartOffsetX, StartOffsetY, StartOffsetZ, EndOffsetX, EndOffsetY and EndOffsetZ parameters to apply offsets to Line objects. The offsets are in the local coordinate system of the line object.

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