jQuery ist not loaded when selected "with jQuery" in TS

Issue #16 resolved
Tim Klein-Hitpass created an issue

TYPO3 v10:

the TS config for “Plugin settings, FE styles and jQuery” or “Plugin settings, FE styles incl. Font-Awesome and jQuery“ is not working in TYPO3v10.
This is due to a Change in core as annonced in Deprecation: #83806 :


The settings page.javascriptLibs and page.javascriptLibs.jQuery have been marked as deprecated and will be removed in CMS 10.

in Configuration/TypoScript/WithJQuery/setup.typoscript

and Configuration/TypoScript/WithJQueryAndFontawesome/setup.typoscript

following TS is no longer working:

page.javascriptLibs.jQuery = 1
page.javascriptLibs.jQuery.version = latest
page.javascriptLibs.jQuery.source = local

replacing with:

page.includeJSLibs {
    jQuery = EXT:core/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib/jquery/jquery.min.js

solves the issue.

Best regards”


Comments (6)

  1. Markus Klein

    Thanks for your report. The problem is obvious of course.

    Feel free to provide a pull request, so the change is attributed to you.

  2. Tim Klein-Hitpass reporter

    Hi Markus,

    I tried to create a Pull requesrt, but unfortunately I cannot do so.
    It seems that i do not have enough rights… after a click on “Create pull request I get an “We can't let you see this page“ access error…

    I tried to create a bugfix-branch, but also couldn't push the branch …

    Not sure why, but maybe i need your permission on this repo?

    Best regards!


  3. Markus Klein

    I’m not aware that I can configure anything in this regard. Did you fork the repo first to create the change commit?

  4. Tim Klein-Hitpass reporter

    Hi Markus,

    create pull request: I had to fork and then could create a pull request, thanks for the advise.
    TS is now good for TYPO3 v8.7 up to 10.4
    new TS:

    # =============================
    # TYPO3 version lower 9.5
    # =============================
    page.includeJSLibs {
       jQuery = EXT:core/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib/jquery/jquery-3.2.1.min.js
    # =============================
    # TYPO3 version 9.5 and higher
    # =============================
    page.includeJSLibs {
       jQuery = EXT:core/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib/jquery/jquery.min.js

    best regards!


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