Error log / Exception / too many request Reddit

Issue #2 invalid
David Voigt created an issue

Hi, displaying the plugin on any page fills the TYPO3 error log with the attached error. 429 Too Many Requests, apprently caused by something in guzzlehttp bugging Reddit a bit too often.

TYPO3 7.6, PHP 7, rx_shariff 9.0.1

suggested options on how to fix: - remove Reddit feature - fix Reddit feature - change guzzle configuration for Reddit

Edit: if Reddit is not needed, Reddit support can be disabled in TER. As I don't need Reddit, the issue is resolved, but somebody else might run into the problem.

Comments (6)

  1. Markus Klein

    Hi David!

    You can't do much about that. One thing is to configure the cache timeout long enough to prevent re-querying the stats for the same URL too frequently. But if you website has a lot of pages you will most probably not be able to limit the request amount, hence until the first results are cached, a lot of requests may be run against the various providers. Rate limits like this one is the common case then, eg XING has this too.

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