A layout seems to be pulled along

Issue #21 resolved
Robert Wildling created an issue

When inserting the plugin (with FA and jQuery), the social media icons get wrap with what I have in my “Default” fluid layout template. Can this be disabled? Why and where does this happen?

Comments (9)

  1. Robert Wildling reporter

    Yes, the shariff template is indeed dead simple, that’s why I wonder how I generate that error. Here some screenshots:

    This is the layout without the shariff plugin:

    This happens when the plugin is active:

    Here are the TS settings:

    This is the Layout…

    …that is used by the Startpage template:

    but not by the Footer Partial:

    The plugin is implemented using the “famous” lib.dynamicContent script from the Bootstrap package (I believe):

    Other plugins at this place (like a Mask plugin) does not cause that error…

    Any idea where I am messing up?

  2. Markus Klein

    I don’t know this lib.dynamicContent stuff. But only from reading I assume, that it renders a full page somehow, where the template is using the Default layout again.

    If you replace the cObject thing with a direct <rx:shariff ... code, I assume this resolves itself?

    Did you inspect the raw HTML generated, whether there is maybe some invalid/incomplete HTML nesting involved or so?

    I am rather clueless and would probably need to debug this somehow.

  3. Robert Wildling reporter

    That was my first thought, too, that the TS renders the default Layout template. But then again: I use this method with all the other elements in this page, too, and nothing similar happens, the layout remains stable.

    I just placed <rx:shariff… directly into the template, as you suggested, but the error remains.

    When using TS to link shariff’s css and js and simply put a <div class=shariff"… in my template, everything works fine.

    I will investigate more tomorrow. Thanks for your time and support today - much appreciated!

  4. Robert Wildling reporter

    Something like this does not cause the problem:

    <div class="content-wrapper">
      <div class="footer">
        <div class="share-icons">
          {namespace rx=Reelworx\RxShariff\ViewHelper}
          <rx:shariff data="{data}" services="{services}" enableBackend="{enableBackend}" />
        <div class="sponsors">
          <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.dynamicContent" data="{
              pageUid: '26',
              colPos: '21',
              slide: '0',
              wrap: '|',
              elementWrap: '|'
            }" />

  5. Robert Wildling reporter

    The error was caused indeed caused by Fluid. It seems the standard Fluid template, when using backendlayouts, is “List”, which I did not adapt to my environment. Instead it is fetched from the fluid_Staled-content ext folder. So when I add rx-shariff as a CE, “List” is automatically added. And “List” itself uses a “Default” layout, which in turn IS fetched from my theme folder (having all this additional things going on).
    The solution is simply to override “List” in the sitepackage ext and assign a layout that doesn’t “disturb” (or remove the “layout” completely).

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