Linkedin Button Opens the page and the popup

Issue #25 invalid
Peter Gallagher created an issue

When I have the linkedin button active and a visitor clicks the button the popup opens and the page navigates to the link as well. I have tested this in multiple browsers.

No error is logged in the console.

My expected result is that the popup will open but the main page would stay on the current URL.

site extensions:

TYPO3 10.4.31

News 9.4.0

Shariff 14.0.2

Comments (7)

  1. Markus Klein

    I tested the buttons on the page you linked with my usual browser with ad/tracking blocking active. I don’t see any problem. The popup appears and the page stays as it is.

    But using a different browser without those addons shows the problem. It does not stem from shariff, though. You get a JS error from sw.js.

    Screenshot from Edge’s console.

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