Console output on CMD.EXE with duplicate line feed

Issue #2 resolved
Siegfried Steiner created an issue

Usage: foo-bar ( --hush -t <text> [-q] ) | -h

See the syntax declaration for usage, see the descriptions for the short- and the long-options. Option arguments are noted in angle brackets.

      --hush: Create a slush puppy hush from the provided text.

-t --text <text>: The text to work with.

  -q --quiet: Quiet mode, less verbose.

    -h --help: Shows this help.

Not one XOR operand (option) matched the provided command line arguments; though exactly one must match.



Text was filled up with spaces till the end of the console and then a CR + LF was added. To prevent this, use a similar mechanism as done with refcodes-logger-alt-console.

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