EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in org.fusesource.jansi when starting via *.cmd script on windows

Issue #7 resolved
Simon Brunner created an issue

We have a cmd-script that starts our .jar file. Starting the script fails, when using an ArgsParser(), since it leads to an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION when trying to determine the terminal width. The following code is enough to reproduce the issue:

public static void main(String... args) {
    ArgsParserProperties parser = new ArgsParserProperties();
    System.out.println("Test was successful!");

I build this into a test.jar. If I start it via java -jar on the powershell, everything works just fine. However, using the script test-execute.cmd (see attached) it fails.

start "test" "%LATESTJAVA%" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -jar "test.jar" %*

Unfortunately, adjusting the script is not an option, since that would require our customers to reinstall the software.

I attached the following:

  • a log file that is generated when the script is executed
  • a test.jar that reproduces the issue
  • the corresponding cmd-script

Comments (2)

  1. Siegfried Steiner

    At first sight it looks as if the the issue is caused by Jansi (as of https://github.com/fusesource/jansi/issues/216)..) Jansi seems to crash when run with javaw (aka without a Terminal). Preventing the use of Jansi when starting the application with javaw (System.console() should be null in such a case) may solve the problem. The most current 3.2.6-SNAPSHOT of this artifact has the workaround included: Jansi will not be used in case System.console() == null: Can be tested in 3.2.6-SNAPSHOT (you may have to temporarily add the Sonatype snapshots repository https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots to your build configuration if you do not want to wait for the 3.2.6 final release).

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