SE installation does not work

Issue #107 new
Aperture Development created an issue


I am trying to install the SE server files to SESM but it seems that this doesen't work. When I open the page I just always get an error that it can't load the Online version. So update trough web doesen't work. When I try to Upload a file it responds "File exceeds limit of 500 MiB Max Upload. Your File is 573 MiB." So I also can't upload it manually.

I am using SESM on a Windows Server 2016 ( Installation was successfull, webpanel works ( besides the update ), It was able to update SESE )

Comments (9)

  1. remygrandin NA repo owner

    The limit you seek is a limit set in the web.config file you can update to a higher number. This should allow for the bigger upload. If I remember correctly, it should be named something like "maxrequestlength"

  2. Aperture Development reporter

    I already replaced it with a higher value, but it still does not work.

    Also why does the online update just throw errors?

    I am currently trying to Manually install the files to the c:\SpaceEngineers folder

  3. remygrandin NA repo owner

    This project is no longer actively developped since 2 years ago, that explain why some of not all of this project is unstable. Have you tried to increase "maxallowedcontentlength" too?

  4. Aperture Development reporter

    Oh, why don't you allow others then to work on it? I mean the community could work together with you, you could licence it under a Not Share Alike licence so people would be forced to work together with you.

    Also no I didn't, thx will try

  5. remygrandin NA repo owner

    I'm allowing and in fact encouraging anyone to do whatever they want with this project, it's under MIT licence, which basically allow every use, modification and publication, commercially or not. I've also stated multiple times that even if I'm not working actively on the project anymore, I'm willing to help anyone familiarise with the code and get started in any modification /fix they want. You are not the first to tell me that, so there is probably a miscommunication somewhere but I don't see how I can make my position more clearer...

  6. Aperture Development reporter

    Oh, I was confused cause I didn't saw anything on the Source tab.

    Also: Is there a way to manually install the server?

  7. remygrandin NA repo owner

    Yeah, just drop it of in your c:/spaceengineers folder (or whatever you have set in your settings page) you can upload it manually via rdp, FTP if you have one or download it manually from the server via steam cmd

  8. Aperture Development reporter

    It seems like SESM is not reconizing me installing it, do you mean the content of the zip file or the zip file itself?

    Also it seems that the upload limit is software internal, changing the web config does not change the limit at all.

  9. remygrandin NA repo owner

    If you had already created a server, you may need to force it to re-register. Try renaming it in sesm, save and then try to launch it (if it work you can stop it and rename it to the previous name if you want). In the instalation folder (c:/spaceengineers by default) , you should put all the content of the (from memory, there was a dedicatedserver, dedicatedserver64 and content folder)

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