Config file corruption / no ip binded

Issue #22 resolved
marek w created an issue

When upgrading from 2.9.20 to 3.0

Some, but not all config files get corrupted and the server cannot start, and puts error in the log "No Ip Assigned", listed as an error in the xml document according to the log. Upon checking, there is an IP in the control panel, and in the config file, however the config file has changed to be all on 2 lines. ( j have attached the error cfg file to the issue). This also results in all the other config options not being received as well.

It is not possible to fix without re installing the server

Comments (8)

  1. marek w reporter

    Thanks for getting back super quick as always :) Will attache regular file, after file and log

  2. remygrandin NA repo owner

    the cfg isn't on 2 line, check your text editor. Anyway, the problem come from the GameMode tag, for a currently unknown reason, it has been set to 5 ... and the weid part is that the config reader/writer class has been one of the mos unchanged class of the V3, especially for the write part ... Anyway, to solve it, change it to either "Survival" or "Creative", or save the configuration back, it should take care of it. If the problem persist, please say it here

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