Delete Button?

Issue #27 resolved
Former user created an issue

It appears as though there is no option to delete a server once it has been created. My servers have not worked since the new update and was going to attempt a clean install of them in order to resolve the issue but it seems I'm unable to actually delete them from SESM as of 3.0

Comments (5)

  1. remygrandin NA repo owner

    The button was there, but hidden ... and with a bad API call anyway .... (i would slap myslef in the face sometimes ......) Will be fixed in next release

  2. Tor Erik Weisten

    Instead of adding a complete new post I rather mention this, there isn't a delete button for maps neither just a FYI.

  3. remygrandin NA repo owner

    yes there is, just right click on the map and you will see a "delete" option ^^. Nevertheless, i agree all the lists miss uniformity, ad dome of them miss multiple select action, it's a WIP

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